Description du produit
Micro de studio à condensateur
- Modèle conçu avec Ludovic Lanen (ingénieur du son : Cabrel, Kaas, Salmiéri, Delpech, Lalanne ... )
- Large diaphragme
- Polarité sélectionnable : Uni / Bi / Omni directionnel
- Réponse en fréquence : 20 Hz
- 20 kHz
- Sensibilité : -31dB
- Impédance de sortie : 200 Ohms
- Pression max SPL : 140dB (avec 10dB pad)
- Alimentation fantôme 48V requise
- Rapport Signal / Bruit : 80 dB
- Dimensions : 54 x 201 mm
- Poids : 590 grammes
- Livré avec suspension et bonnette dans malette de transport
Introduction. STC-3D, UNI-BI-OMNI directional. A new generation of Professional Microphones dedicated to Studio work. Versatile voice/instrument microphone for studio
Prodipe STC-3D Ludovic Lanen | Music Tech reviews | MusicRadar
In a crowded microphone market it can be hard for a new, multi-pattern studio condenser to find a place. But after trying it out we hope that the STC-3D
STC-3D Ludovic Lanen. MyVoice Karaoke. "Jai eu le bonheur de tester le micro à ruban stéréo de chez Prodipe (Ribbon Stéréo Ludovic Lanen RSL).
STC-3D Prodipe Micro Studio Ludovic Lanen UNI-BI-OMNI
Microphone STC-3D Prodipe Micro Studio Ludovic Lanen UNI-BI-OMNI directional
Studio/Live mics - PRODIPE
STC-3D Ludovic Lanen A new generation of Professional Microphones dedicated to Studio work. Lapel microphone (Lavalier) to connect to Body Pack Prodipe.
Prodipe STC-3D Ludovic Lanen :AUDITORIUM26 Toulouse
Special offer with : Prodipe STC-3D Ludovic Lanen. Stagg MIS-2022 BK. 39.00
User reviews: Prodipe STC-3D Ludovic Lanen - Audiofanzine
Characteristics I did that for four days and l use it for vocals, harmonicas, flutes, banjo and violin Overall Opinion Like my predecessors I can only say bravo for
PRODIPE Condensor Microphone STC-3D Ludovic Lanen.mpg
PRODIPE STC-3D Ludovic Lanen (249 ) PRODIPE Condensor Microphone STC-3D Ludovic Lanen.mpg
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prodipe stc 3d ludovic lanen microfono da studio a condensatore multi pattern. con valigia + supporto antishock + filtro antivento. from italy. $228.71. buy it now.
lapiculteur's review - Prodipe STC-3D Ludovic Lanen
User review about Prodipe STC-3D Ludovic Lanen Good, the above just go to the merchant site. but say it does everything
Détails sur le produit
- Rang parmi les ventes : #29593 dans Instruments de musique
- Marque: Prodipe
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