Description du produit
Support multimédia pour ordinateur portable, écran ou tablette avec un bras articulé à 360° Gator G-ARM-360-CASEMT, Compatible avec tous les étuis de la gamme GATOR DJ, Contrôleurs et Mixer.
Amazon.com : Gator G-ARM 360-CASEMT Mountable Arm for Laptop, Tablet and Monitor : Monitor Arm Wall Mount : Musical Instruments
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Gator Cases 360° Articulating G-ARM G-ARM-360-CASEMT B&H
Product Highlights. Mounts to Any Gator "ARM" Case; Adjustable in 6 Directions; 360° Horizontal Adjustment; Tray Accommodates Laptops/Tablets; VESA Mount for
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GATOR G-ARM-360-CASEMT | 360-Degree Articulating Mountable
Gator 360 degree articulating G-ARM. Case mountable. Mounts to any Gator "ARM" case; Easily Adjustable in 6 directions. 360 degree horizontal adjustment
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G-ARM-360-CASEMT 360 Artic Arm, Case Mountable
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Gator G-ARM-360-CASEMT Gator 360 Degree Articulating DJARM
Gator G-ARM-360-CASEMT Gator 360 Degree Articulating DJARM (Case Mount) for sale at Planet DJ. Guaranteed lowest prices and free shipping on most dj equipment.
Détails sur le produit
- Marque: Gator
- Modèle: G-ARM-360-CASEMT
- Dimensions: 12.00" h x
6.00" l x
16.00" L,
2.00 livres
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